
The 2024 Ryken Award Winner: Mr. John Tassinari

Congratulations, Mr. John Tassinari! 
For more than three decades, the Ryken Award has been presented to a Xaverian faculty or staff member who is recognized by their peers for their commitment and dedication to the vision of Theodore James Ryken and the core values of Xaverian Brothers education. During Xaverian’s Founder’s Day Liturgy, when Principal Dr. Michael Nicholson, P ’29 began to read the nominating submissions, this year’s winner, Mr. John Tassinari, didn’t realize he was about to be called onto the stage until the last second. “I truly had no idea,” he said. “Mike began to read, ‘The individual personifies educating the whole person.’ That could be any one of us. ‘This person is often here before 5:00 a.m. and staying late to coach.’ Again, that could be a number of people in the room. ‘A quick question, a joke, and a fist bump…’ That’s when my head went up.”

Since 2009, Mr. Tassinari has been an integral part of the Xaverian community, not only as a member of the science department, but also as a baseball coach, a moderator for various clubs, and as a co-founder of Xaverian's robust robotics program. His devotion to his students and their appreciation for him were noted in his nominations.

One colleague wrote: “Students (of all academic levels and all backgrounds) are drawn to John Tassinari more than any other teacher I have ever known.”

Another said: “John exudes intense zeal in his constant striving to [strengthen] his presentation style, motivational tactics, and assessment strategies to get the maximum out of those students who are lucky enough to be in his class. His humility in...asking colleagues for advice...is a model for all Xaverian educators. His compassion for students as they journey...to master the subject matter is evident when you talk to him. His trust in his community and colleagues is humbling. And finally, his simplicity of character makes him an inviting ‘partner’ for students, be it for extra help or a late-afternoon robotics session.”

Accompanied by his wife, Kristin, his daughter, Ava, and his sister and brother-in-law, on December 3, 2024, Mr. Tassinari accepted this year’s Ryken Award in front of a loud and enthusiastic crowd. “I appreciated all of the kids that stood up to clap for me. That meant a lot.”

The students, Mr. Tassinari says, are the reason he’s driven to do the work that he does and be the person he is today. “I want to be the person that can make a kid laugh a little while he’s learning the subject matter,” he shares. “That’s my driving M.O.: to get the kids to learn a subject that not many people gravitate toward…no pun intended.” 

A third colleague noted in their nomination of Mr. Tassinari, that he values his coworkers and consistently checks in on them to see how they’re doing. This connection to the community is not something that Mr. Tassinari takes lightly. “Growing up, I didn’t have this,” he says, referencing Xaverian as a whole. “I was that kid who looked around and felt like he had no one. I want to be there for those kids," he says. “That’s why I’m always saying ‘hi’ to people. Just a quick ‘hey, how’s it going,’ in the hallway. Sometimes you look at a kid and you can just tell something is up, and that’s why I check in,” he says. “You check in with them, and they get a little smile on their face because they appreciate that someone has empathy for them.”

A token of his humility, Mr. Tassinari is appreciative of the recognition, but acknowledges that there are others who could have just as easily won. “I work with wonderful people who care. They unequivocally have zeal, and they have compassion,” he says. “I won this year, but there are others I can see in the next five years winning because they are willing to drop everything for this community.” 

Mr. Tassinari is the 31st Xaverian faculty or staff member to have received the Ryken Award since it was established, and is thrilled to be included in the ranks of those who have come before him: “There are many great people who have won before me, like Gerry Lambert ’88, Robert Gill, P ’26, and Mary Briody – some of my closest friends. I am very honored to now be a part of that list.” 

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Xaverian is a Catholic, college-preparatory school for boys in grades 7-12. As an inclusive community, we embrace diverse experiences and perspectives, welcoming students and families from all faiths and backgrounds. Through exceptional academics, athletics, the arts, faith formation, and service opportunities, we help young men discover their unique gifts and talents so they can share them with a world in need.